Thursday, June 22, 2006

Temple Cleaners

Temple cleaners is a group of people who are interested in cleaning up and reviving dilapidated temples of historical significance.

There are temple ruins all around us, but what are we doing about it? Do we realize that we are not only letting go a temple, but important historical facts, usually engraved and/or inscribed in the temple premises, as was the norm of the ancient tamil kings?

What happens when we revive temples like these?
- Recreate historical architecture
- Boost the local economy due to tourists and pilgrims
- Get a chance to protect and preserve ancient 'kalvettukal' that would otherwise be destroyed
- Refine our knowledge of our past, with information from these 'kalvettukal'

Do read

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As a first step Chandrasekaran has taken the initiative to identify 9 temples - navagraha sthalas around Chennai (around Chennai?!!! yes, around Chennai), most of which are in ruins.

Five of us in the temple_cleaners groups are taking a survey of the status of these nine temples, to draw out a plan and time-table to revive them.

If you are too eager to know more, you could reach me on +91-98407-62326. I could put you in touch with more knowledgable people where I can't help.

Dont forget to come back here next week, when I report with pictures about our survey!

1 comment:

Subbu said...

A Great Step ... in the right direction ....